Founder Academy

Léopold Sédar Senghor Academy

The International Léopold Sédar Senghor Academy was founded by Cheikh Tidiane Gaye. It is a free, apolitical, non-denominational, and non-profit institution. The Academy is an independent body for study and research that respects the Italian Constitution and aims to promote writing in all its forms and to enhance Senghor's thought.

Academy of Philosophical Arts and Science

The Academy was born from an idea by Massimo Massa. Formally established in April 2021, it aims to protect and promote culture both nationally and internationally, fostering the love and reverence for Italian civilization by spreading and enhancing every form of human and artistic expression in the fields of science, literature, philosophy, and audio-visual arts.

Peace cannot be separated from freedom because no one can be at peace without having freedom

Malcom X