Academy of Philosophical Arts and Science

Academy of Philosophical Arts and Science

The Academy was born from an idea by Massimo Massa. Formally established in April 2021, it aims to protect and promote culture both nationally and internationally, fostering the love and reverence for Italian civilization by spreading and enhancing every form of human and artistic expression in the fields of science, literature, philosophy, and audio-visual arts.

Founded on the power of words, the Academy celebrates the affirmation of great human, artistic, scientific, and cultural values, as well as the exchange of intellectual and social relationships, to satisfy the dialogical inclination of various writers whose virtue lies in thought displayed and expressed for collective purposes.

To achieve its objectives, it involves schools, universities, libraries, cultural clubs, and associations. It disseminates books and publications, promotes studies, research, training, and cultural exchanges through the organization of cultural, artistic, and scientific events, symposiums, conferences, conventions, debates, experiments, exhibitions, and publications of literary, humanistic, and scientific writings, all activities aimed at enhancing and expanding the dissemination of language and art.

It also encourages young people on the path of cultural development and reform, particularly supporting university students in the writing of their theses by providing the expertise of professionals in the field and awarding prizes and scholarships.

Divided into the Departments of Letters and Philosophy, Visual Arts, Music and Performing Arts, Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Natural and Astronomical Sciences, Legal and Economic Sciences, Medical, Sports, and Biological Sciences, Solidarity and Social Promotion, each led by a Director, the Academy is composed of intellectuals, professors from numerous universities, and scholars from various backgrounds who share the ethical and aesthetic value of contemporary Art and literature, expressed through various forms of creative, knowledge, and social and cultural participation, fostering the integration of the expressive languages of life and art.

In particular, the statutory activities include:

  • to promote and support the development of humanistic and scientific knowledge, as well as artistic and athletic creativity, especially among young people and students who demonstrate aptitude in any field, and to support them;
  • to promote direct relationships among those actively involved in the development of literature, art, science, and sports, particularly professors, authors, artists, journalists, athletes, actors, photographers, and musicians, by engaging publishing and mass media in all forms of communication: internet, web TV, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, libraries, bookstores, and other cultural and artistic associations;
  • to organize, coordinate, and implement training courses of all kinds and levels, financed by private and public funds (regional, national, EU, etc.), as well as distance learning initiatives;
  • to organize and manage activities in the literary, historical, philosophical, artistic, cinematographic, television, theatrical, musical, and journalistic fields, including publishing activities aimed at promoting and disseminating culture, as well as research and documentation in the scientific and sports fields of particular interest;
  • to organize national and international events and initiatives regarding artistic and literary awards; visual art exhibitions, both solo and group; music concerts and poetry readings; theatrical performances, conferences, congresses, debates, lecture series, meetings, and conventions in all fields, also in collaboration with other cultural institutions;
  • to publish, distribute, and commercialize books, magazines, handouts, conference proceedings, periodicals, bulletins, brochures, etc., also using multimedia formats;
  • to create, promote, and manage a website to be used as a service infrastructure for the Academy's activities;
  • to promote the collection of private funds and the request for public contributions to be allocated for the Academy's purposes;
  • to enter into contracts, agreements, or arrangements with public and private entities;
  • to assign tasks to external collaborators or specific structures for the best execution of the activities outlined in this Statute, and to involve volunteers in carrying out its activities;
  • to award, at the end of each academic year, academic diplomas of merit and titles of "Knight of Academic Merit" in the fields of letters, arts, and sciences to academics who have particularly distinguished themselves during the year.
  • to promote solidarity and social utility activities through cultural initiatives, education, instruction, and professional training, such as:
    • Interventions and services aimed at protecting the environmental heritage;
    • Safeguarding and enhancing the cultural and linguistic traditions of the area;
    • Protecting human rights, ensuring equal opportunities, and taking initiatives to combat the spread of violence against women, children, and other vulnerable and needy individuals;
    • Promoting the culture of legality, peace among peoples, and non-violence.
No knowledge, however excellent and beneficial, will bring me joy if I learn it only for myself. If I were granted wisdom with the limitation of keeping it closed within me, renouncing to share it, I would refuse it.

(born in Cordoba in 4 BC and died in Rome in 65 AD)
Roman philosopher, playwright and politician

Where you hear singing, stop: evil men have no songs

Léopold Sédar Senghor