Foundation for World Peace

Promoting Committee

Human Rights Award

Martin Luther King

for the affirmation of freedom and dignity

Promoting Committee for the construction and diffusion of the culture of peace, of justice, equality, of brotherhood, of non-violence, of respect of human rights, of peaceful coexist-ence between peoples, of integration between different cultures and religions, for a society without xenophobia and racism, individualism and competition, without discrimination, promoting mutual recognition, dialogue, discussion, inclusion

Léopold Sédar Senghor Academy

Academy of Philosophical Arts and Science

Next event

Peace, Freedom and Human Rights International Award

Award ceremony on 21 September 2025 on the occasion of the International Day of Peace established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981 (resolution A/RES/36/67) with the aim of strengthening the desire for peace among peoples.

Award Trailer

Participant Organizations and Academies

What we do is just a drop in the ocean,
but if we didn't do it the ocean would have one drop less

Madre Teresa di Calcutta